Buon Giorno! I would like to take this time if I may, to celebrate and
reflect. But more important I want to also take this time to thank The
Baltimore Press for allowing me the opportunity to not only share my
heritage and culinary talents but my philosophical views as well. My
column, which started as a dream is now into it's fortieth week, hence my
I also want to thank the many readers for their requests and comments
especially those of encouragement to continue the sharing of the Sicilian
heritage and our cuisine.
We all have a tendency to wait for that special day to celebrate a
friend's or love one's birthday or a holiday of some sort, be it
religious or otherwise. Not that I do not honour those holidays, which
are to some, expected, but I rather enjoy those occasions when one least
expects a gift or flowers. That special moment to be cherished, when the
recipient asks, What's this for? And then that moment when you say, "Just
because you are special"! That is the moment that truly speaks volumes.
In a few weeks I will be journeying to Sicily not only to seek out more
Epicurean dishes but also for diplomatic mission. That mission will be to
make Marsala "Sister City" with Annapolis, a mission that I will be proud
to undertake.
Also I will be sharing this trip with my son Andrea who is very
interested in his Sicilian heritage. Not to disappoint anyone, this
column will be continued from Sicily. I will be looking forward to
sending not only special recipes but about the trip as well.
I have an aunt, who is 94 years old, who can not wait to see my son, it
has been thirteen years since she has seen him. I can only imagine the
stories she will tell me. At any rate, I am sure my report to you from
Sicily will be quite extensive and in depth.
For the moment without further ado, this week's recipe:
Tonno alla Gioia Mia Vol. I-40
Serving Size: 4 Preparation Time:0:35
*herbs & spices to be grounded roughly with mortar & pestle or small electric grinder...caution, dust is very powerful.
the use of short pasta incorporates sauce better
In a large 12/14" deep frying pan add olive oil, dried tomatoes, herbs
and spices. add garlic, olive paste and anchovies, sauté for two minutes
(note :anchovies will disolve). Add all tomatoes, mushrooms and mixed
vegetables, mix well, cook for 15 minutes, add wine and tuna and cook
ten more minutes.
While tuna sauce is cooking, in 4qt. pot bring to a rapid boil water, add
pasta and stir well. When water comes to second boil, add sea salt. Cook
to "al dente". Drain and put into large pasta bowl and ladle in sauce to
desired amount.
Serve on warmed dinner plates. Garnish with fresh Italian parsley
AND...do not forget the candles! Enjoy!
...flowers as well would do.
Suggested Wine: Corvo Bianco
Note: Anyone missing previous recipes, have no fear. Please send a
self-addressed-stamped envelope and $3.00 each to:
Riccardo’s Sicilian Cookbook Vol. I-40
Serving Ideas: Warmed Italian bread
Please include Volume and Recipe numbers.
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