Streetcar Home Page Registry
Baltimore Streetcar Museum

If you maintain a web page that has information about streetcars you belong in the Registry!

     All organizations that maintain information about streetcars are invited to register their page in our exclusive search engine. Once registered, others can find your page very easily by entering a key word into our search engine.

      When the search is completed, the viewers can click on a link to go directly to your page.

     Entering your URL is simple, and you'll be able to enter a 20 to 25 word description of your page. The more keywords you use, the easier it will be for someone to find your page. For example, if you have information about PCC cars, you could enter the keyword PCC...and then a series of other keywords that describe your organization's activities. The more descriptive your keywords, the easier it will be for a viewer to find a match.

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